OCP TECH WEEK vindt plaats op 9,10, 12 en 13 november 2020


OCP is excited to announce our next virtual event, OCP TECH WEEK, planned for the week of November 9. Join us for four days packed with Engineering Workshops held during various time zones to allow for global participation. These will not be your typical lecture presentations, but live sessions - allowing plenty of time for interactive collaboration! Given the great momentum and response from our Virtual Summit in May, OCP is providing this virtual forum to share the following with you:


  • A look back at our 2019/2020 Key Accomplishments and Strategic Actions
  • A sneak peak at our 2021 Technology Initiatives (from our Community’s perspective) and how OCP will address these future trends
  • Announcements on new Contributions Requirements and changes to Recognition Programs for Facilities/Products
  • High level snapshot of all the current active OCP Projects
  • Technical deep dives and plenty of time for interactive discussions on current Project activity
    • These sessions are not meant to be introductory in nature but progressive
    • Our volunteer leaders and key contributors are looking for feedback and will be facilitating real-time decisions during the sessions
    • Emphasis is on cross collaboration across projects and other industry organizations.


Registration will be opening soon. Fee will be $99 per person which gives you full access to all content and discussions for OCP TECH WEEK.


Subscribe below so you don't miss any OCP event announcements!

Click Here to Subscribe to the OCP Events Mailling List


What can you do in the meantime to prepare??


  • Catch up on your Project happenings by checking out the on-demand content of our Virtual Summit.
  • Become an OCP Member and check out which OCP Project or Sub-Project interests you!
  • Subscribe to one or more OCP mailing lists to get regular updates on agenda topics!
  • Attend a few Project Calls between now and November to discover what progess has been made.
  • Come prepared to engage in meaningful discussions!
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