
IT Infra event 2024

IT Infra event 2024

Het IT Infra event vindt dit jaar plaats op woensdag 20 november bij 1931 Congrescentrum te ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Deze dag informeren we jou over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen binnen de datacenterwereld. De thema’s die aan bod komen zijn: energie, milieu en de toekomst van de datacenters. Via technisch inhoudelijke lezingen geven keynote sprekers...

NL-ix Late Summer Drink 2024

NL-ix Late Summer Drink 2024

We are looking forward to meeting you all again at the one and only Late Summer Drink! The Late Summer Drink is the place to meet new faces, have a chat and have a couple of laughs with your friends, former colleagues and co-workers, all from the Internet industry and beyond. We will create the atmosphere, you bring the stories and together we will...